Focus And Scope

Al Itmamiy : Journal of sharia economic law is published by Islamic Sharia College Nurul Qarnain, Jember, East Java, Indonesia. The journal publishes articles of interest to education practitioners, teachers, education policy makers, and researchers. This journal encompasses research articles, original research report, reviews in education and social studies.

The journal is highly receptive to new research patterns and methods. The following articles will be issued for publication: Islamic economic perspectives, Islamic public finance, Islamic finance, Islamic accounting, Islamic business ethics, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic economic thought, Islamic human resource management, Islamic microfinance, Islamic development economics, Islamic monetary economics, Islamic fiscal economics, Islamic capital markets, and other relevant themes, etc.

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Al Itmamiy : Journal of sharia economic law
Published by Islamic Sharia College Nurul Qarnain, Jember, East Java, Indonesia.