Akar Masalah Maraknya Mafia Tanah


  • Vani Wirawan Kementerian ATR/BPN Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Sleman




root of trouble, rife, land mafia


Crimes committed by theland mafia include land cases that have broad dimensionsso that the existence of the land mafia can hinder economic growth and the entry ofinvestment. This study aims to determine the land mafia and the root cause of the rampantland mafia action. This research is descriptive and analytical with a socio-legal approach. Theresults of this study showed that the land mafia is a large structured and organized group ofpeople or companies that commit crimes in the land sector unlawfully, which has thecharacteristics of a very neat, systematic, reasonable-looking, and legal performance network,but in it still contained illegal actions and violations of the law. Meanwhile, the root of theproblem of the rise of the land mafia is the poor bureaucracy-corruption, lack of publicsupervision, weak law enforcement, higher economic value of land, and the owner's ignoranceof land titles.


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How to Cite

Wirawan, V. (2019). Akar Masalah Maraknya Mafia Tanah. Al Yazidiy : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Dan Pendidikan, 1(2), 35–43. https://doi.org/10.55606/ay.v1i2.526