Efektivitas Metode Baghdadiyah Pada Anak-Anak Di Desa Purba Sinomba


  • Abdi Kurniawan STAIN Madina
  • Sandy Futra STAIN Madina
  • Sopia Wulandari STAIN Madina
  • Fazilah Fazilah STAIN Madina
  • Yudiah Yudiah STAIN Madina
  • AKhiruddin Nasution STAIN Madina
  • Sandrina Sandrina STAIN Madina
  • Delvi Wulandari STAIN Madina
  • Efrika Noviyanti Lase STAIN Madina




Devotion, Baghdadiyah Method


This research aims to assess the extent to which the Bagdadiyah method is effective in community service situations. The Bagdadiyah method, which originates from the legacy of Islamic education, has been applied in various community development programs. This research involved various individuals from various communities who were involved in this KKN service effort.This research method uses the Participation Action Research (PAR) method. The results of this service research show that the Bagdadiyah method has great potential to increase children's understanding of social, moral and cultural values ​​through this method. Furthermore, data analysis also shows that there are several obstacles that require resolution in implementing the Bagdadiyah method. Therefore, this study also suggests steps to further improve the implementation of the Bagdadiyah method.


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How to Cite

Abdi Kurniawan, Sandy Futra, Sopia Wulandari, Fazilah Fazilah, Yudiah Yudiah, AKhiruddin Nasution, … Efrika Noviyanti Lase. (2024). Efektivitas Metode Baghdadiyah Pada Anak-Anak Di Desa Purba Sinomba. ALKHIDMAH: Jurnal Pengabdian Dan Kemitraan Masyarakat, 2(1), 246–251. https://doi.org/10.59246/alkhidmah.v2i1.758