(Studi Kasus Desa Sumber Jeruk Kabupaten Bondowoso)
Utilization, Productive, LivelihoodsAbstract
The fulfilling a living importance for children, especially education
providing can be seen in terms of the axiology of legal benefits where providing for
children is a medium for achieving social welfare, by fulfilling children's
maintenance, it means the same as preparing future human resources who have
quality, because in There are three aspects of fulfilling children's basic needs,
namely primary needs, children's spiritual (psychological) needs and intellectual
needs. Good fulfillment of these needs can be a form of utilizing productive income
to improve the quality of human resources in the future. Sumber Jeruk Village as one
of the villages at the end of Bondowoso district is a village that has a fairly good
level of concern for the world of education, even though it is at the very edge but the
enthusiasm for community education is very good, this is evident from the author's
findings on several institutions that have existed since the beginning in 2000, more
than that there were various graduates from various senior secondary education
institutions who participated in coloring the community both in terms of the
economy and so on. This study aims to determine the forms of child support,
especially in the field of education and their impact on the village. In this paper the
methodology used is qualitative through a phenomenological approach, which is an
approach used by a group of researchers to interpret a phenomenology that occurs
in a particular group or community, in this case the people in Sumber Jeruk village,
Bondowoso district. The findings in this study include that the people in Sumber
Jeruk village carry out quite good educational planning by taking into account the
potential of the children and the economic capacity of the family, this allows each
family to fulfill their education needs more objectively not by following trends and so
on. The results obtained from these efforts are the creation of a scientific range that
is owned by youth in the village, the variety of education pursued so that the village
does not lack human resources, ranging from teachers, modern farmers, to business
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